Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission Guidelines
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Abstract Submission Guidelines
Late-breaking Poster Abstract Submission Open!
Due to numerous additional submission requests, the ISDH 2024 International Scientific Committee has decided to extend the submission period for poster from January 22 (Mon) to January 25 (Thur), KST(UTC/GMT +9).
* Only poster submissions are allowed during this additional submission period.
Abstract Submission
  • The International Federation of Dental Hygienists (IFDH), in collaboration with the Korean Dental Hygienists Association (KDHA) invites colleagues from the international community to submit their research abstracts for consideration in the oral and poster sessions at the International Symposium on Dental Hygiene in Seoul, Korea.

    The oral and poster sessions are scheduled for July 11(Thur), 12(Fri), 13(Sat), 2024.

    The sessions for oral and poster presentations offer a chance to disseminate research findings, acquire novel insights, establish connections, engage in idea interchange, and remain up-to-date with pertinent updates. The studies shared should align with the symposium's focal point, namely, “Dental Hygienists, the Center of Oral Health” and play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of dental hygiene.

    Abstracts that have been previously presented and published will be considered; however, they must be properly acknowledged by providing the citation to that abstract. Individuals are allowed to present a maximum of two abstracts (one oral and one poster) but can be a co-author on other abstracts. Presenters are not required to be the principal investigator of the study but should be a member of the research team. Presenters may be graduate students, clinicians, educators and researchers.

    The theme for the symposium is broad-based and abstracts should be specifically related to the dental hygiene profession. The four sub-themes for the symposium are as follows:
  • Download Abstract Submission Guidelines
    Download Abstract Template
    Submit Your Abstract
Symposium Sub-themes; CORE
Collaboration Contents related to cooperation and communication with patients, colleagues, and other professionals in order to fulfill the role of a dental hygienist in enhancing the oral health of the public
Optimization Contents related to achieving optimal job performance through enhancing the capabilities of dental hygienists
Reimagination Contents related to innovation and new technologies in the field of dental hygiene, including research, education, and clinical aspects
Equality Contents regarding special treatments, oral health services, and public oral policies needed for vulnerable populations such as infants, children, the elderly, pregnant women, individuals with disabilities, and those with specific conditions
All abstracts must follow the abstract template and be submitted online by Jan 11(Thur), 2024.

Submissions can be made via the Abstract Submission Portal, which is now open. Should your oral abstract not be accepted, you may be offered the opportunity to present it as a Poster. It will automatically be considered as a poster submission.
Download Abstract Template
You can download the abstract template or access the online submission forms using the buttons above. Before submitting your abstract, you will need to set up a new user account and create a login and password. You will be able to use that login and password to re-enter the submission portal to make edits to your draft abstract up until the submission deadline.

Upon submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email of abstract submission from the ISDH 2024 Symposium Secretariat. Please ensure that all required information is completed as requested. If you experience any problems during the online submission process, please contact the ISDH 2024 Symposium Secretariat at
Important Information
Please carefully review all instructions before typing the abstract into the form.
Abstracts are submitted via an online submission system.
If you are submitting more than one abstract, you must use the same login for each abstract.
The maximum length of an abstract is 400 words. Please ensure that your findings are described to a level sufficient for reviewers to make an informed decision on quality. Abstracts that fail to meet these criteria will be rejected.
Do not include author names in the title or body of your abstract – these are entered online during the submission process.
Once an abstract submitted successfully, you can track its status on the ‘My Page’ section. Submitted abstracts can be revised as often as needed until Jan 11(Thur), 2024.
Abstracts will be reviewed under each of the elements indicated in the guidelines for the submission type as well as for the level of innovation/contribution to the field and the general standard of academic writing of the abstract.
Authors can be listed on as many abstracts as they wish – however each author may be the presenting author on a maximum of 2 abstract presentations only – one oral and one poster.
Please note that at least one author must register in full to attend and present the abstract at the Symposium. Please note that we expect this to be a fully in-person conference, so presenters should expect to be onsite at the symposium in Korea.
All abstracts must be written in English.
To ensure a fair and scientific review of abstracts, we will use a blind review process. Abstracts will be reviewed under each of the elements indicated in the guidelines for the submission type as well as for the level of innovation/contribution to the field and the general standard of academic writing of the abstract.
The corresponding author will receive a confirmation email once the submission is received and further emails with important notices.
Authors are responsible for proofreading and submitting error-free abstracts, as they will be reproduced in the format in which it was submitted. The corresponding author holds responsibility for the abstract’s content. This author serves as the contact person for submission or communication, and is also responsible for disseminating information related to the co-authors.
Abstract Selection Criteria
Presentation title is engaging and relevant.
Objectives are clearly stated and appropriate.
Presentation description reflects current science and relevance for dental hygienists.
Speakers’ brief CV should include details of their roles in the research being presented.
Abstracts will be selected based on the scientific quality of the work, as evaluated by the submission. Original work is required, such as new research, systematic review or innovations. Submissions will be reviewed under the double-blind review process.
한국어 안내 (In Korean)
Language English
Title Only the first letter of the title starts with a capital letter, except the proper nouns
* A short title (up to 20 words)
Length No more than 400 words
Submission Types You must choose one of the following three structures, and each type must include the relevant elements;
1. New Research
2. Systematic Review
3. Innovations in Research Methodology, Education or Clinical Practice
Submission Types
Please ensure you read below submission types before submitting your abstract as failure to adhere to the guidelines may result in your abstract being rejected.

New Research

Systematic Review

Innovations in Research Methodology, Education or Clinical Practice

New Research
Problem Statement Statement of the problem and study significance are provided.
Purpose The study purpose is clearly defined with objectives.
Methods Methodology (design, sampling and intervention) is outlined and appropriate for the study.
Results Results including data analysis (or a plan for analysis) are included.
Conclusions Conclusions (or preliminary findings) are supported by the results and stated clearly.
IRB Approval IRB approval is required for all studies involving human subjects or animals. Please provide the name of the approving entity and the approval number for research.
Studies in Progress Studies in-progress at the time of submission must include a detailed plan for statistical analysis and preliminary findings.
Final results must be available by the Symposium.
Steps for Abstract Submission
Submit Your Abstract
Important Dates
* Time zone is Korean Standard Time (GMT+9)
22 JAN
Late-breaking Poster Abstract Open
Jan 22(Mon), 2024
25 JAN
Late-breaking Poster Abstract Close
Jan 25(Thur), 2024
13 SEP
Abstract Submission Open
Sep 13(Wed), 2023
11 JAN
Abstract Submission Close
Jan 11(Thur), 2024
Notification of Acceptance
Mar 6(Wed), 2024
29 MAY
Presenter Registration Deadline
May 29(Wed), 2024
Please note that the deadline will be based on Korean Standard Time (KST), which is UTC/GMT +9. Kindly ensure that all submissions and other steps are completed by the specified time in accordance with KST.
Check Your Local Timezone Here
The IFDH Scientific Committee and Host KDHA do their utmost to ensure that all work is of the highest quality with respect to content. Neither the Scientific Committee nor the IFDH can guarantee the correctness of the data and information given at the time of presentation by the author and/or speaker. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their presentations and their opinion should not be considered to be that of the IFDH, or the Host, or interpreted as an expression of support by its members.